What are the types of Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing Services | ProIts Services

What are the types of Digital Marketing?

The internet has not only affected our personal lives, but it has also stormed the business world, especially the marketing department. Digital Marketing became a science per se, with its own terminology and methodology, in addition to some complex concepts. Companies started breeding digital marketing departments, others have provided it as an outsourced service and built corporations. And with its growing activities, many types of digital marking have emerged to obtain a maximized benefit of your digital marketing approach, but in fact, choosing the right types of digital marketing is a skill that should be learned.

What is Digital Marketing

Digital marketing, or online marketing, is the act of promoting brands to reach out to potential clients through the internet and digital platforms. With many tactics and technology, Digital Marketing has been able to be an essential tool in communicating with clients and delivering services or products.

Types of Digital Marketing

There are many ways to categorize the types of Digital Marketing, from the most popular to the detailed description and so on. We present a brief but comprehensive classification:

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  • Content Marketing
  • E-mail marketing
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Influencer and Affiliate marketing

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

This basically considers bringing in traffic to your website via search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. In other words, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is about raising visitors and potential clients by only showing on their search screen when they are looking for a related service or product.
This term covers a variety of methods, including free, which require extensive experience and mastery, and paid ones:

Pay-per-click Marketing (PPC)

Pay-per-click refers to paid online advertising and promoted search engine results, where you occupy over search results and pay every time someone clicks on your link to increase traffic on your web. As you appear at the top of the page with a little box that says ‘Ad’ through a bid in the keyword, geographical location, and demographics, auction.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The main goal of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is to rank higher in search engines, mostly Google, to be found by someone who is actively searching for what you offer. This is by creating content that clients are searching for as well as making sure that this content, and the platforms where it’s presented, are enhanced in terms of technical structure and Mobile-friendliness. Therefore, improving your website’s organic traffic effectively.


The relevant words and mostly used by clients to search for your service or product are called keywords, and they are the core foundations of any search engine marketing strategy and a part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). To use it in your online marketing, you need to identify the keywords that are relevant to your business. Then, highlight the keywords that your potential clients are highly likely to use when making a search query. The most important thing is to use it correctly and avoid cliched stuffing, otherwise, Google’s algorithms will exclude your content.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

It is a technique that uses social media to promote your business, subsequently, any content or promoting that you provide through social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Snapchat, etc.) are considered Social Media Marketing (SMM).

Content Marketing

Anything you create that represents information to increase brand awareness falls under the definition of content marketing. Thus, it has different kinds, all of which can be utilized in Digital Marketing campaigns. However, whatever kind of content you provide, the goal is to be enriching and engaging, through providing data about the service or product, not aiming to sell directly, but rather to convert visitors to leads and loyal followers.
Types of Content Marketing:

Visual content

Most commonly are infographics and videos, which attract the viewers in effective manners.    The whole point is to simplify complex information regarding your business and grab your followers’ attention in an attractive package.
Many platforms resort to this type of content such as YouTube and Pinterest, but the most recent visual content is Virtual Reality (VR), as the impression of this type of communication on users is remarkable. Where it is innovative content and by involving it in your business, you will be able to outperform your competitors and get ahead of your time.

Verbal Content

Companies realize that Blog Content is the key to linking their website and increasing indexed pages for the SERPs, as it makes them seem very interested in what they offer. Through posts, web content, and other text-form of content, you will be able to use the power of the word to your advantage.

Audio Content

Audio content is somewhat new, like VR content, but also derived from the old method of marketing, which is radio. With the trending podcasts, you will be able to professionally produce a podcast to bring more awareness to your brand and have a wide reach. So, when you study the practices of your target audience and analyze their listening preferences, you will be able to broadcast topics that interest them concerning your business as they go about their daily lives.

E-mail marketing

Although it is the oldest Type of Digital Marketing, it is still effective. E-mail campaigns not only can provoke your audience to become clients with the right strategy, but it is also a direct channel to communicate with them. Just make sure that you are not harassing the user by sending spam or annoying them with various promotional emails, and be smart about taking steps to get their attention at first, then lead them to engage your business.

Influencer and Affiliate Marketing

Both depend on outsourcing to promote your service or product, but each in a different way.
With influencers, you will put your product or service in the hands of Public Figures to voice your brand. After testing, the influencer will show the results to their followers, which means it could go sideways.
While Affiliate Marketing means contracting with an individual party or a company, who will promote your products in return for a commission. The affiliate will promote your product on their website by providing a link, and if the visitor clicks through and buys, then the affiliate will collect a commission automatically. Popular platforms that offer Affiliate Marketing are blogs and e-commerce sites.

Mobile Marketing

The mobile phone has become the main gateway to reach your audience, through which you can embrace all the previous types of Digital Marketing. Mobile Marketing tools include text messages, social media platforms, websites, emails, and mobile applications ads, or just creating an application for your business, possibilities with Mobile Marketing are endless. Moreover, focusing on the Mobile-friendliness of the website’s interface can make a big difference too.


No matter how many types and methods are, choosing the appropriate type of Digital Marketing remains the most difficult challenge. Experience plays an important role in the success of the marketing strategy and getting the best result, which is reaching your targeted audience and converting them to leads. We at ProiTs ensure the success of your Digital Marketing in the UAE with our professional experts and vast experience in the field.

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